Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010

Writing Excercise, via Jorge Luis Borges' "THE ALEPH"

"He said he had to have the house so he could finish his poem--because in one corner of the cellar there was an Aleph.  He explained that an Aleph is one of the points in space that contain all points. ...  'I must forewarn you: dorsal decubitus is essential, as are darkness, immobility, anda certain ocular accommodation.  You'll lie on the tile floor and fix your eyes on the nineteenth step of the pertinent stairway.  I'll reascend the stairs, let down the trap door, and you'll be alone.  Some rodent will frighten you--easy enough to do!  Within a few minutes, you will see the Aleph.  The microcosm of the alchemists and Kabbalists, our proverbial friend in the multum in parvo, made flesh!'" (from "The Aleph," by Jorge Luis Borges).

Gaze within its form and see every
angle of the universe.

Write an absolutely terrible piece of poetry.  Once it's completed, compose a review of your dreadful piece, defending it point by point and with false modesty, as the greatest example of poetic literature ever contributed to humanity.

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