Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

Podcast #3 -- "TALENTS" (or, in this case, "LAND") (and it's short!)

I wasn't planning on this, and maybe it makes no sense.  Maybe it was my subconscious working in an attempt to make up for the ridiculously convoluted stream of random ideas I presented yesterday.  This one, I think, works and is maybe even more applicable.  AND IT'S SHORT!  (I know; I said that already.)

I didn't get into the details of the parable from Matthew (chapter 25, by the way, if you're interested), but there's a lot more we could talk about.  Call it the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  Call it Karma.  Whatever.  Regardless of whatever you choose to call it, though, and if you believe this stuff from one side or another, well, then, how comforting!  (And this is one of the greatest things about literature, with or without religion tacked to it: it applies to real life!)  Maybe God didn't give me much, but as long as I do my best with it, well, maybe He'll take me in when It's all over after all. 


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