Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010


Maybe this is impossible from within this format.  It could be friggin' cool, though.  And I said it earlier: it would make a great book if it's done right and well.  See what you think:

So, I've titled each of the entries for the book (listed below by chapter).  The titles are getting a little more creative as I go, and I got thinking about this and how we all did the Wall in my old classroom (so perfectly compiled by the Brown sisters, by the way).  So let's put it all together.  We could do an illustration/cartoon for each chapter title and pair each a single-sentence caption encapsulating that particular chapter.

Chapter 1: The Salinas Valley
Chapter 2: Introducing the Hamiltons and Our Gods (not exactly the same people)
Chapter 3: Cyrus, the Trasks, and Sexism and The Fall of Gods
Chapter 4: The Aches of the Restless and Young
Chapter 5: Meanwhile Back on the Ranch
Chapter 6: Restlessness, Part Deux -- Maturity
Chapter 7: The Return Home
Chapter 8: Nature versus Nurture
Chapter 9: From the Bottom Up
Chapter 10: The Trasks: Family Drama
Chapter 11: Adam is Taken with a Devil
Chapter 12: unblogged, and subject to your creativity
Chapter 13: The Glory Boys
Chapter 14: Olive, the Olympian
Chapter 15: Divination
Chapter 16: The Golden Man with the Goat's Eyes
Chapter 17: Of Meteors and Monsters
Chapter 18: To Bury Secrets
Chapter 19: What's the Opposite of a Church
Chapter 20: Treacherous to Her Master
Chapter 21: Calculation, Poison, and Patience
Chapter 22: Baptism, Minus the Water
Chapter 23: Flies on the Brain
Chapter 24: Timshel
Chapter 25: Resurrection and Glory Via Timshel
Chapter 26: The Beginnings of a New Beginning
Chapter 27: Abracadabra
Chapter 28: [no title; no reading questions]
Chapter 29: Just Call Me Joe!
Chapter 30: Shot Through the Heart
Chapter 31: Adam to Cathy to Liza to Will
Chapter 32: Purple Eggs and White Pigeons
Chapter 33: The Great Acorn Contest
Chapter 34 - 35: Believe It or Not
Chapter 36: Liars
Chapter 37: Lettuce-Head
Chapter 38: Cal Trask, Softer than He Seems
Chapter 39: Caleb Trask, Super Hero
Chapter 40: The Troglodyte
Chapter 41: Prep for a Bean Bash
Chapter 42: The Great War Strikes the Salinas Valley
Chapter 43: Abel's Sacrifice
Chapter 44: Humans Just Smell Bad Sometimes
Chapter 45: Catch Me If You Can
Chapter 46: Hypocrisy, Stupidity, and Shame
Chapter 47: Who Is to Blame?
Chapter 48: **sneeze**
Chapter 49: Murder
Chapter 50: Alice in Evil-Land, Lost Through the Looking-Glass
Chapter 51: "Am I Supposed to Look After [My Brother]?"
Chapter 52: Disillusioned, an Active State of Being
Chapter 53: Love and Timshel
Chapter 54: Late Azeleas
Chapter 55: The End

Okay, so if we do this, or if someone wants to just take off and get started, let's set a couple standards:
  1. The work must be original.
  2. Compose the piece within a square--you know, so there can be a uniform format without ever having the crop some of your hard work.
  3. You automatically give me permission to post the work on the blog, but all credit will go to you, the artist/illustrator.
Email it HERE.

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