Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011


I would be remiss if I didn't thank the late Martin Gardner (1914 - 2010).  It was his first edition of The Annotated Alice that attracted me to Alice in the first place.  It's a pretty thing.  I thought I knew Alice well enough, as I'd seen the movie.  But the book called, on, appropriately, a mid-November afternoon, lazy and snowy.  I stretched out on the couch to read.  It was the first book I read in one sitting.  I didn't read the notes that first time through, but eventually I got around to them, and then burgeoned my love and a substantial appreciation for Lewis Carroll's writing.

Interestingly, Carroll and Gardner were very similar.  While I'm no genius, as they both were, I can't help but feel some affinity toward both.

Thank you, Mr. Gardner.  Thank you, Mr. Carroll.  Your books and thoughts crackle with life.

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