Jumat, 14 Januari 2011

Jane Eyre XXI -- chapter 21: DEATH AND SECRETS

  1. The words "presentiments, signs, and sympathies" roll off the tongue so well, but do such things exist in the world of Jane Eyre?
  2. Our present and o-so-popular interpretation of the Indian concept of "karma" is not exactly accurate to those who actually practice its source religion.  However, and regardless of the details, is karma--in any of its iterations--what brought about poor Mr. John's untimely death?
  3. (It seems that in nearly all books I've read for which I've written up reading guides or study questions (nigh unto twenty five, I should say, since I began teaching), all have an extended portion, roughly in the middle, leading into which pertinent questions come shorter and shorter in number and often remain so until nearly the end of the book, where things generally pick up a bit, philosophically speaking.  We seem to be there in the discussionary doldrums now, as I go pages and pages with virtually nothing profound to ask.)
  4. Quite a relationship there is between the two sisters, and so different than anything Jane ever saw when she was a resident at Gateshead or might have predicted during her time away.  

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