Kamis, 23 September 2010

Challenge in Persuasion

Okay, so I'm ready to get this thing started, even though the timer on the survey still lists, like, four more days to go.  If you've been keeping track, though, the tally hasn't changed much, except to lean more heavily in Eden's direction, so I'm posting a challenge regarding your votes (I voted for Queen Loana, by the way):

for those thinking, "East of Eden again?"
1. Why should I bother waiting for more votes to come in?

2. And even if I do wait, I'm pretty sure East of Eden is going to win anyway!  Give me at least one [well-written] good reason to ditch the survey and just do whatever the heck I want--or what you want.

for those supporting Steinbeck
3. Why should we do this again?  Most of you have (based on the those I see who've signed in as followers here) have read it.  Support your cause!

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