Senin, 22 November 2010

soliciting: STICK A BRICK

"Screaming Old Man," by David Connelly;
other two by Connie Podleski
Need an idea?  Once upon a time, BRICKS were thematized by the book we were reading in class.  I've got a whole mountain of 'em themed upon Voltaire's Candide, of all things (see example below).  So why not check again the list of titles we've compiled for posts on East of Eden?  Any one of them would make a pretty thick brick.

Here are all the East of Eden chapters to date:

(Send new bricks HERE.)
  1. The Salinas Valley 
  2. Introducing the Hamiltons and Our Gods (not exactly the same people)
  3. Cyrus, the Trasks, and Sexism and The Fall of Gods
  4. The Aches of the Restless and Young
  5. Meanwhile Back on the Ranch
  6. Restlessness, Part Deux -- Maturity
  7. The Return Home
  8. Nature versus Nurture
  9. From the Bottom Up
  10. The Trasks: Family Drama
  11. Adam is Taken with a Devil
  12. unblogged, and subject to your creativity
  13. The Glory Boys
  14. Olive, the Olympian
  15. Divination
  16. The Golden Man with the Goat's Eyes
  17. Of Meteors and Monsters
  18. To Bury Secrets
  19. What's the Opposite of a Church
  20. Treacherous to Her Master
  21. Calculation, Poison, and Patience
  22. Baptism, Minus the Water
  23. Flies on the Brain
  24. Timshel
  25. Resurrection and Glory, via Timshel
  26. The Beginnings of a New Beginning
  27. Abracadabra
  28. Just Call Me Joe!
  29. Shot Through the Heart
  30. ADAM to CATHY to LIZA to WILL; next Dessie and Tom; and there was the parrot, Polly, too
  31. Purple Eggs and White Pigeons
  32. THE GREAT ACORN CONTEST, scheduled perhaps on a day particularly perfect, as it happens, for bananafish
  33. There and Back Again
  34. Believe it or Not
  35. same as 34
  36. Liars
  37. Lettuce-Head
  38. Cal Trask, Softer than He Seems
  39. Caleb Trask, Super Hero
  40. The Troglodyte
  41. Prep for a Bean Bash

artist unknown

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